Working Capital Finance

Working Capital Finance
We are banking professionals having experience & expertise in Banking and Financial product, Credit Appraisal, Loan Product Design, Internal Procedure of Banks and Risk management.
We arrange WC finance at very competitive pricing within a reasonable time. Enhancement / Takeover both possible under Sole / Consortium / Multiple Banking. Things become smooth when you know their internal sanction procedure. The transparency in transactions, no backdoor charges and simple terms and conditions on which we provide finance, makes us the prime provider of Working Capital Finance in India.
We use our relationship network with all the banks and Institutions to tie up working capital facilities for our clients. The scope of arranging such limits extends from the preparation of the CMA till the final sanction of limits. The limits would be arranged either through the multiple banking routes or through the consortium route, depending upon the size of the facility.
We provide
- Advisory for the strength of your company’s financials.
- Presenting financials according to the banks.
- Financial studies and advisory on expenses.
- Rearrangement of loans that suits your financials.
- Reducing dependency on CA/Auditor.
We have been consistently considered as one of the leading Working Capital/SME loan consultants, we understand the exact requirements of your business and always there to assist you in growing to the next level.